Acknowledgments ...
Serge Montagnac |
Thanks all
those without which this work would not have been possible: Patrick Bury who, in 1987, told me to move to Linux, and has been my mentor since today ... and stay it ! Christian Buil who insufflated us from Carcassonne the taste of the techniques of modern imagery… and who continues!! Patrick Ballester (ESO), who proposed Midas under Linux to us since 1987. Klaus Banse (ESO) for the kindness with which he answers us with the questions about Midas. Alain Klotz (CESR), for all that he gave us at the time of the spectro training courses. David Romeuf (CRI Univ.Lyon I) et Jean-Marc Petit (LAOB) for their technical support and help. |
Serge is impassioned of astronomy in
which he felt inside when he was young. He came to Linux at the beginning of the Nineties. User since then convinced, it wrote a specific driver for an Audine CCD camera. He currently builds his observatory which will receive a 600mm telescope, and offers you today the Astro-Linux live-CD, a set of astronomical softwares ready to use on all Intel PCs. |
...and to authors of these excellent
softwares : Elwood C.Downey (XEphem), Doug Mink (WCSTools), Emmanuel Bertin (Sextractor), R.L.White(hcompress), BUIL (Iris), ESO, NOAO, STSci, HESARC, SAO ..., obviously Knoppix, DSL and GNU/Linux ! |