Welcome on Astro-Linux



The ESO-MIDAS system provides general tools for image processing and data reduction with emphasis on astronomical applications including imaging and special reduction packages for ESO instrumentation at La Silla and the VLT at Paranal.

In addition it contains applications packages for stellar and surface photometry, image sharpening and decomposition, statistics and various others.

The official name, ESO-MIDAS, is a registered trademark. ESO-MIDAS is available under the GNU General Public License (GPL), and can be implemented on OpenVMS and UNIX (Linux) systems.

Home page:    https://www.eso.org/projects/esomidas/

Astro-Linux Release:    06SEPpl1.0

Documentation on live-CD :  Volume AVolume B , The MIDAS environment ,  " Everything you always wanted to know about MIDAS "


Open a terminal (xterm), create a convenient working directory as

$ mkdir 2006-11-15
$ cd 2006-11-15

and type "inmidas " to begin a  session, or  "gomidas" to continue a previous session;
" CREATE/GUI  help " starts a graphical help widget.
" bye " to leave a MIDAS session.

$ inmidas

              ESO-MIDAS version 06SEPpl1.0 on PC/Linux
**                                                                         **
**       Copyright (C) 1996-2006 European Southern Observatory             **
**                                                                         **
**   ESO-MIDAS comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type         **
**   `@ license w'. This is free software, and you are welcome to          **
**   redistribute it under certain conditions; type `@ license c'          **
**   for details.                                                          **
**                                                                         **
Midas 001> INDISK/FITS n6842.fts n6842
no CDELTi nor CDi_j matrix found... STEPi set to 1.0
FITS file: n6842.fts converted to: n6842.bdf
Midas 002> LOAD/IMAG   n6842
LUTsize has been changed to 256
Midas 003> bye


From a shell ," helpmidas " starts the graphical help (no contexts).
It's good idea to read first "Everything you always wanted to know about MIDAS " !

Examples and scripts:

The obs-psr web site offers my own MIDAS small tutorials  
You can download an upload some scripts from and to my ftp/server :  ftp://www.obs-psr.com/astrolinux 


Günter Gebhard : scripts and spectrography context "OPA"   https://www.spektros.de/
Carlos Guirao : "MIDAS Data Reduction for the FIASCO spectrograph":
Klotz/Bergougnan : Aide mémoire pour la calibration des spectres en longueurs d'onde sous MIDAS

Serge Montagnac